May 25, 2012


Today is Caitlin's last day of preschool it is also the only day of the year where we were ready and early for school.  I know we will miss it.  But I won't miss my taxi service.
I basically walked twenty miles in the marathon after intense leg pain from running the first six.  I'm just walking and not running for a while now.  I am signed up for a Fall 1/2 and Fall full (September and November) so I'm start running again in late June.
I have been teaching O some baby signs and she is catching on quickly and it eliminates some frustrations.  She signs: please, thank you, drink, cat, more, milk, all done.


Lisa Wolf Smith said...

I am so impressed by all your running! Way to go!

Raree (RAH-ree) said...

Darn injuries! But awesome job for finishing! Hope you heal quickly and completely.