November 15, 2012

Sometimes I do have good days

This was not my best mom day.

According to Caitlin, the biggest disaster of the day was "the car cart must have 3 seats and it only had 2 and now our day is horrible."  I thought the baby powder/popcorn incident or Audge peeing in line at Chipotle or the 1.5 hours of preschool enrollment paperwork were the worst parts.  The car cart tantrum trifecta was pretty amazing though- O went limp and boneless, Caitlin was on the ground and Audge latched onto that car cart like Julia Hill and her redwood.

I just tried to fit too much in and expected the girls to have the same stamina as I do.  On a good note- everyone was in bed and asleep by 8:05.

1 comment:

Pam said...

HA! I love how you have the ability to write the details of motherhood. I totally have had many a moments like this. Keep up the great work!