September 18, 2012


O is 2!  She had parties on Friday and Saturday and her check-up today.  Olivia at 2 is HUGE!  Taller than both Caitlin and Audge at age 2.  The growth chart on our basement door really illuminates how big our baby is.  She is 30.5 pounds and 34 inches tall.  
O still loves to cuddle and play with her sisters.  She loves animals and Holly cat is probably her best friend, she lights up and grins when she see her.  Her sisters have already indoctrinated her to a world of princesses, ponies, and all things pink.  
Two, really?  

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Kaiden was 36.5 inches and 29.5 lbs
Kameron was 36 inches and 28.5 lbs