April 2, 2012

We're back

Just got back from a great family vacation to Florida. We stayed the first part of the week at a beach house belonging to my Aunt Sharon's friend. It was about a mile or so from the beach- David and I ran there once and I quickly determined I do not like running on sand.
Seven adults and 7 kids- Caitlin was the oldest and Olivia the youngest.
We went to the beach EVERY day. I have about 900 pictures to prove it.
On our last day there we went to Disney. I have about 1 picture to prove it. I left my camera on and the battery died shortly after arriving. Blah.
The girls loved every minute of it and were wonderful for about 98% of the trip. And even the 2% can be explained away by not having needs met- like a good nights sleep.

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