Thanks for making me a mom. you are incredible! I love you so much and I'm learning all the time. A concurrent Thank you and an apology are needed because I'm still learning and this parenting thing is sort of an experiment. Thank you for being an easy first child. If I were given a 2 year old Audge, that would have been the end of me.
I love that you still love to cuddle and hug and kiss. I wonder how much longer that will last? A year? perhaps two? I miss you while you are at school. I love that you run beside the fence waving goodbye to me as I drive away from pre-school drop off. Those few extra waves bolster me up with a smile. YOU make mw smile.
The other day I observed your class. You were amazing! You did work all day long, moving from one work station to the next. You spent time discovering, exploring, and doing. I saw other kids wander and wait and pout and tattle or cry even. Not you! You did an awesome job! You love learning and discovering. You are so smart and hard working.
No big parties this year. We just sort of stretched out the celebration for a few days. On Friday we celebrated with her class and Dad was able to take a 1/2 day and we went to Mt. Echo Park, and Saturday we went to the Cincinnati Art Museum for Family First Saturday and then out to lunch and Barnes and Noble for a birthday book followed by a Dance Party!, Sunday after church, David and Caitlin went on a trip down to the river- just the two of them.
We had chocolate chip cookies drizzled with chocolate and them sprinkled with rainbow jimmies for her class party. Caitlin and I baked them together that morning. She loves helping out in the kitchen. We had pumpkin cinnamon rolls on Saturday rather than cupcakes- they were delicious.
At 5: Caitlin is still super tall and skinny, is very helpful, loves preschool and her family, still loves to draw and write and is very thoughtful with her gifts and cards. She can manipulate and negotiate with the best of them. David likes to think he is above being manipulated by her but then recognizes her masterful skills and grants the request just because he is in awe of her genius navigation of the conversation.
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