May 11, 2010

It's not always the kids

that kill and destroy... sometimes it is the cat.
I planted my started seeds back in March to give the tomatoes and peppers time to grow and be strong before planting outside. They sprouted nicely, got true leaves, were thinned out, and then started losing leaves and being plucked from the soil.
My first thought is the flower picking duo- Caitlin and Audrey. So I talk to Caitlin and tell her not to touch mom's plants. The next day another one is found uprooted. Over breakfast we sing "The prophet said to plant a garden" and talk about our garden we will have in the summer. Still more die.
8 tomato plants-all dead at the hand of Holly. Several peppers have perished as well. I thought I would have to protect from pests once we got the plants in the garden, not before.


Raree (RAH-ree) said...

Oh, sad! At least your girls minded you though, right. Our trouble is that the growing season is crazy short here!

Pam said...

My little seeding starter plants were attacked by a blasted squirrel. It was a good thing I didn't have a gun because I would have shot it. I tended to those plants so diligently. I felt like I lost a big chunk of my time. I feel your pain