September 13, 2009

a let down, both literally and not

I like the little bit of adrenaline pumping every once and again. The fun tingling you get when it is sink or swim, fight or flight. I get this feeling when driving and a car near me does something stupid (or I do something stupid and attempt to blame it on the car near me...), when I am being swarmed (read one or two in flight semi-near me) by bees, or on the peak of a coaster. I like that feeling.
Thus being said, I went on a little experience where me and several members of my clan jumped out of a perfectly good airplane. A sky diving extravaganza if you will. So, needless to say- I expected this feeling but it never happened. What a bummer ! a let down in the psychological sense.
I would have to say that I think this feeling never came because I was in such pain pretty much the entire time. The free-fall part (I thought it would be kind of like Tom Petty's song... mellow with a smooth continuous vibe) was rough and jagged and pretty much assulted my ears the entire way.
The chuted part was the better part for me but still painful. The stupid harness rested right under my bosom. So the chute came up and then my breasts had the duty of helping the parachute slow us down- OUCH! I had another let-down this one quite literal and very wet. By the time I wiggle jiggled free we were basically on the ground and my post-baby belly (that I have let wiggle and jiggle for almost a year now) was exposed.
So I am torn about the picture thing. Sometimes I kick myself other times (my reflective times) I am so glad I didn't get a piece of that ugliness. My mom paid for the jumping experience and told me to buy the pictures on my own if I wanted them. I opted out because I don't like spending money on frivolity when we are trying to pay for things like houses, cars, and school, and food (food is a big one. Pictures would be proof that I did it. Something to post on here or facebook to say, "I'm bad! I know it!" But at the same time, posting them would almost seem to say- this was the most awesome thing ever and for me it was sort of not. Also, pictures would have probably eternally evidenced my belly hanging out, two giant wet spots, and my face being flattened- not flattering at all.
So, maybe someday I'll give it another go. Maybe it gets better when you are not in pain. When we are rich, I am not nursing, and am in a shape that I don't mind exposing. But this time did not thrill me.
Perhaps I had unrealistic expectations that were not met. Kind of like when you are expecting guacamole and get wassabi or expecting salmon and get ginger- both true examples of my first sushi eating experience. I love both ginger and wassabi now but neither is what I expected and both need to be handled quit differently that the item I assumed they were.
So I'm home sick. Thanks for humoring me. I'm reading back logged posts of cjane- she always makes me want to post and write in general. So here it is.
Love, me

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