June 14, 2009

Thunder but not lightning

There were some amazing crashes of thunder here on ole' Loretta. It woke both David and Caitlin up from a nap- I typically get terribly angry at anything that wakes these guys because they are out of it and bratty (respectively) the rest of the day. I could not get angry, I was just in awe. That was amazing. I love how diverse the world is- it can bring comfort, it can bring fear, and it is amazing. I'm glad that I live in this beautiful world heavenly Father created for me. And I'm glad that I wasn't asleep for the thunder to wake me up.

David and I are reading the Fountainhead right now. I'm loving it. What a craft writing is when the author does it well. In high school I was to read Ayn Rand. I choose Anthem and read it in one day: Part for it's short length, part because I had to (school started the next day and my summer reading reports were due), and part because I liked it. Anthem was kind of like a grown up version of the Giver. We are flying through Fountainhead, (well... as fast as you can fly through 700+ pages) LOVE LOVE LOVE the character development- the nuances, the foils, the set-ups, the dialog. I recommend it.

Something happened the other day that has NEVER happened before- Our memory card on our camera was completely full. I went to take a picture of autonomy in action and could not. Well, since I never include pics anyway here is what it would have looked like- Caitlin in shorts that were backwards, a tutu, a button up knit sweater (buttoned but not correctly) without a shirt under, one pink boot and one pink flip flop (both left feet) with the toes separated down the middle by the toe thong. This is evidence that my baby is growing up, it is also evidence that my baby is still my baby.

Audrey is now 7 months. She is about 20 pounds and 27 inches- we grow them big here on the Burgstrom farm. She has two teeth and uses them often, both in defense of her territory and when she decides her 20 pounds need a little faster sustenance. She sits up without support, rolls like crazy, and is mobile (kind of). She does the thing that looks like a shimmying front stroke. She takes one arm reaches as far as she can and then wiggles her body up to the arm she then repeats with the other arm. She also gets up on her knees and rocks but so far she has only launched herself backwards.

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