We still get a daily paper. I like being able to pick something up and just glance when I get a minute and David reads it right before work. The other day (April 9), an article bothered David so much that he wrote a letter to the editor. He spent a long time polishing and rephrasing- trying to get his point across without sounding loud, angry, irrational, etc. He finished and sent the letter off.
His letter impressed the author of the original article and he thanked David for his time and thoughfully drafted letter. David's letter was posted on the opinions page the very next day. Slightly after he was contacted by another reported wanting to do a follow up interview. They met over lunch today and a photographer is coming over for a picture tonight. They were thinking of a family picture or such- probably infront of our house. The article is slotted for tomorrow's paper. We're kind of excited over here. What a rockstar husband I have- smart and handsome to boot.
I have laundry going so we can all coordinate outfits. My contribution to the article: cute kids in matching clothes and an awesome orange door. Gotta love the orange door... and the cute kid.
Neat! That's pretty much awesome. And the orange door is pretty darn awesome as well. Good luck with this fun adventure - hope you'll post links on fb or here or something!
Whoo Whoo! Way to be awesome.
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