March 13, 2011

Parenting Tips and Tricks

Western Hills Ward Parenting Tips and Tricks is at my house this week. Danielle reminded me of this last week and I attempted to come up with an article to discuss and the like. I was thinking healthy habits or such. I didn't find one because I ran out of time.
I need to organize, simplify, and schedule...
And then came the topic of the week... Organizational/scheduling habits that make your family life run a little smoother. I have a few of my own but I would love to hear how you run your home. Like how your library books make it back to the library, how you avoid a laundry mountain, how you are able to leave the house before 10, etc...
See you Thursday.


Nola said...

This made me laugh b/c I have been wanting to write a blog about our routine. I did that today on my Family History blog. Feel free to check it out. Our schedule totally works for us most days. Good luck.

Lindsey said...

Haha, I get rid of my husband and things run a lot smoother. :) Just kidding! Before my kids go to bed I make them pick up toys and such and put them all away. It keeps the toy mess under control and also teaches them to clean. Another trick I LOVE to do, my kids love dancing to music. LOVE IT. So in order to dance around, we have to have a clean floor otherwise they'll get owies. So when I turn music on for them to dance to they know to help mommy pick up the room before they start dancing. These are only little things to keep the messes under control, not necessarily organizational tips but it's organization in my head cause it prevents chaos and stress.

Tamra said...
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Tamra said...

Totally thought I was free to come on Thursday, but that's a lie. We have someone coming for dinner. So here's what I do with library books and movies: They have a certain spot on the bookshelf, and that's where they stay. Also, when I get movies, I always get the SAME AMOUNT, so I never have to wonder if I'm forgetting to return 1. It's the lazy solution. That's all I've got!

Pam said...

Here's a quick tip that I use when we go to the library d is a sure way you will always get all of your books back. When we go we always check out the same amount of books and movies. This way I do not need to guess how many we need when returning. It has always worked for me the last 5 years I have been taking our children to the library.

Rachel said...

I'm looking forward to coming!