February 9, 2011

Dear Jillian,

Dear Jillian,

I hate you and I will pretty much hate you for 30 days, possibly longer. Maybe I will decide to shred you. See you tomorrow, okay?


Raree (RAH-ree) said...

hahaha Goooo, E.J.! It'll get better. :)

LindZ said...

Em, I LOVE Jillian workouts and swear by them. I lost all my weight with her and eating better of course. I also have her trouble zones one which I LOVE and you can pick and choose your favorite circuits, and I have her 6 week six pack one too that I've just barely broken in to, but will probably hold off on. As long as you have the motivation she will give you the workout and holy cow it is so refreshing when her workouts become "easier" and you're ready to move on to the next level. Keep goin EM! It'll be worth it in the end hun!

Rachel said...

Oh my! Sounds like a love/hate relationship. I have that dvd sitting on top of my tv cabinet waiting for me to get up the nerve to start exercising again. Dylan's almost 6 months old so I guess it's time. :)