I would probably never find myself in a pew with Ayn Rand- or a mother's group, or a political event. We just aren't that similar. I'm pretty sure we're similar in the areas that really count... like... we both like sharp cheddar cheese. Mmmm.
Here's what I do know. I loved The Fountainhead. I love Howard Roark, it's okay David already knows.
This is a semi-related semi-tangential story of how much I love it. All growing up I wanted a dog. I had it all picked out in my mind, I wanted a chocolate lab. After reading it, I decided I wanted a dog that could bear the name, Ellsworth. The name doesn't really fit a chocolate lab. Here's the dogs that that name would fit: a chubby bulldog, or one of those hairless monstrosities. (Thanks to samugliestdog.com and wikipedia for images)
One day when I don't have children in toe, I would love to search used book shops and find an original copy. It would be even better if the original copy had notes- I'm a margin writer. It got really bad when I was reading Crime and Punishment and On the Road. It would probably take all day, maybe all year. I'd take David because he is a book smeller. I thought it was weird but my friend Rachel and Julia confirmed that they smell old books as well. Can't be too weird if 3 people I know and like are smellers.
One fired agent, a cancelled contract, and 12 publishing firms later- The Fountainhead was born. Ayn knew it was good when her penpal- Mr. Frank Lloyd Wright- wrote a note of approval and appreciation to Rand. Thanks Frank for being around to inspire the character of Roark- even if you totally blew Ayn off when she asked to meet with you and pick your brain. It all worked out in the end. He even designed a cottage for her.
Ways FLW and Roark are similar:
My way or the highway mentality... Roark took to dynamite when Cortland strayed from plans, Wright ignored structural engineers questioning cantilever support on Falling Waters- Early 2000's saw rebar reinforcments added to said structure.
Scoundrel ways (esp. with women)... my feminine sensabilities stop me here
Architectural style- clean, modern, amazing
They differ in career- Roark was great at alienating future clients and didn't get too many comissions. FLW was pretty prolific and has buildings everywhere... EVERYWHERE- 400 still standing. And an army of Wright inspired architects that will probably continue forever.
Although I love it, I'm hesitant to suggest it. Much like Roark, Ran is polarizing. It is long, and you have to think- not a beach read, and there are characters you might hate. And then there is Ayn's objectivism- you might object to that. I got frustrated a few times and mad that nothing good was happening to Howard. I also kind of hated the French names- I took French in college and passed by the skin of my teeth. Sometimes I'll interchange a Spanish accent rather than a French, it is quite horrible.
hahaha I am also a book smeller. Old or new . . . I also like to smell magazines. :) That brings the count to four. I will never convert to digital books. It would totally ruin the experience for me. As much as I love all other things digital, books will never be considered clutter in my life. You have my interest piqued in this book. However, I seem to remember you liking Ernest Hemingway (you should visit our area - there's practically a Hemingway shrine), and I don't really care for him. It just makes me wonder if our tastes in books are not fully similar. Sometime I may have to check on favorite book/authors of mine to see if there are some matches; then I can know if a book recommendation from you would work for me. :D
I can't say I'm a book smeller, but I do enjoy the smell of old books. I guess that puts me somewhere in the middle.
And I'm going to put myself out there and say that I hated The Fountainhead. In fact, it may be my least liked book of all time. I'm glad I read it, though, if that makes any sense.
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